All about laser facial rejuvenation

laser rejuvenation

Laser facial rejuvenation refers to non-surgical methods and helps people who are trying to get rid of age-related changes in the skin. Modern cosmetology offers a variety of laser-based procedures that are an excellent alternative to plastic surgery.

What is the technique?

The laser method means to restore the youth of the skin in a short time. For the procedure, a special apparatus is used that emits rays of different strengths. The effectiveness of the technique is very high, so a positive result is immediately visible. Laser rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes is a relatively expensive and laborious procedure.

The doctor individually selects the number of procedures and the length of the session. The standard procedure consists of 5 sessions with a break per month. This approach can have a rare effect on the skin. The procedure has a cumulative effect, since the natural processes of collagen and elastin production are revived in the inner layers of the skin after 1 session. Fractional skin rejuvenation can improve its condition. As a result, it becomes more elastic and denser.

The cost of the procedure affects:

    Laser quality
  • ;
  • number of areas to be treated;
  • Price
  • care products applied during the session;
  • reputation of the beauty salon and the qualities of beauty.

Laser Refresh


Laser rejuvenation is only done on clean skin. The procedure consists of the fractional action of the laser. A special device has photocopies on their surface, which are responsible for the penetration of the laser under the skin.

how laser rejuvenation is performed

The action of the laser, with the help of the heat stream, awakens the cells, and the cells that cannot function die. Healthy cells replace dead cells, thereby increasing the level of elastin and collagen in the skin.

A laser beam is called a laser array in the procedure for fractional facial skin rejuvenation, because it is broken into many very thin microscopic beams. This causes little damage to the epidermis.

A special device is driven over the skin quickly, a fire will only take a minute to delay. It can be used to treat the entire surface or individual areas of the facial skin.

After laser refresh, it is noticed as follows:

  • enhanced skin color;
  • Tighter oval
  • ;
  • Bags
  • under the eyes are gone;
  • small and medium - sized rays are less visible.

Another major feature of this method of facial rejuvenation is that there are no characteristic transition points in the outer layer of the skin between the renewed dermis, no tubers and swelling. Because of this, the recovery process is almost invisible.

The laser resurfacing method can also be used to improve the results of laser resurfacing and plastic surgery. After the procedure is completed, the face will be treated with a specially designed decorative solution.

After laser facial skin rejuvenation, cosmetologists recommend following some important rules for several days:

  1. Avoid sun exposure.
  2. Do not use makeup.
  3. Don't go to the solarium and the beach.
  4. Do not expose your face to strong winds, chlorinated water, or brine.

Advantages of laser method

benefits of laser rejuvenation

This method of facial rejuvenation allows you to process large areas of skin in 1 single procedure, and its regenerative capacity is preserved and revitalized. As a result, recovery begins rapidly and a long-term increase in the positive effect is observed.

Fractional laser regeneration is performed with a point effect, so the epidermis is damaged as little as possible. Tracks disappear within 3-4 days. No anesthesia required.

Side effects are rare. In some cases, there are:

  • which disappears in a short time;
  • Temporary red spots
  • ;
  • activated herpes
  • ;
  • peeling and skin burning
  • ;
  • Scream
  • .

For full refresh, you must go through 4 to 8 sessions. How many procedures are required in your case depends on the age and condition of the skin. A qualified cosmetologist can answer this question. There should be a 2-3 week break between procedures.

Indications and contraindications

As with any cosmetic procedure, laser rejuvenation has indications and contraindications.

Fractional facial rejuvenation helps to get rid of:

  • deep and smooth wrinkles;
  • spider veins
  • ;
  • age spots
  • ;
  • scar
  • ;
  • aicne
  • .
In addition, laser procedures are shown for porous skin, uneven relief and reduction of tissue tone. The skin will get a uniform and even tone.

There are contraindications to laser facial rejuvenation. They should not be neglected, or could have serious consequences.

It is forbidden to run sessions for pregnant and lactating women, as well as people suffering from:

  • serious chronic diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • low and high blood pressure;
  • mental disorders
  • ;
  • allergic diseases
  • ;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin.

Laser refresh types

There are 2 types of laser rejuvenation, which differ in method and depth of exposure: The first method of laser facial rejuvenation is a procedure that removes surface microscopic areas of the skin. In this case, the penetration of the laser beam is done to a depth of 1. 5 mm, resulting in:

  • starts to tighten;
  • regeneration processes are activated;
  • the skin is enhanced and beautified.
types of laser refreshes

A positive result is immediately visible. This method is used to lift the face, give the skin an ideal look, eliminate skin irregularities, for example, during acne treatment.

This is a very good procedure to eliminate pinpoint imperfections, for example:

  • roic;
  • coilm
  • ;
  • pigmentation
  • and other.

The second method of laser rejuvenation is the penetration of the laser beam into the deeper layers of the skin - about 3-5 mm. In this case, the human exposure occurs using long laser beams. The upper layers of the epidermis are not affected, they are regenerated from the inside.

This fractional laser facial skin rejuvenation helps regenerate deep layers of skin. It promotes activation of metabolic processes, and is also essential for the formation of a more durable collagen framework. This results in an increase in the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

This procedure is quite serious. It is prescribed for very deep scars, a sharp rash, and if chemicals damage the face. The main advantage of this method is the complete lack of recovery period. It differs from ablative in that the entire human surface is processed at the same time.

Experts recommend doing these two types of laser facial rejuvenation at the same time in order to achieve maximum effect and maximize activation of tissue repair processes.



4D laser rejuvenation is one of the safest ways to remove and tighten biases. This method occurs in 4 stages. The skin is exposed to a neodymium laser. The beautician processes the facial tissues in order from the inside and outside of the cheeks. The works are done in different ways, reinforcing each other 's action.

  1. The first step is to rise from the inside of the cheeks, the area around the nose and lips. The device has a special device that is inserted into the oral cavity. The folds that are in the area of ​​the lips and nose are pushed out and made out. The laser beam affects the deeper layers, thereby producing collagen pressure. As a result, the structure of the deep layers is tightened.
  2. During the second stage, the structure of the skin is completely restored, which indicates that wrinkles, tone, elasticity and pores are tightened.
  3. The third step helps to restore all layers of skin: deep, middle and surface. The biorevitalization effect is provided to the tissues because they receive a lot of heat completely without pain.
  4. The fourth step is based on the cold peeling technology, which polishes the surface of the skin. The beautician corneum stratum removes the epidermis. As a result, radiant skin results in 4D facial rejuvenation. This result can be achieved in one session. The 4 steps are performed within 1 uninterrupted procedure, one after the other.
4D refresh

The technique has certain advantages. One of the most important benefits is the lack of pain of the procedure. The painless laser effect does not damage the gums, teeth and oral mucosa.

Other positives include:

  • ;
  • fast and lasting result;
  • mini recovery period
  • ;
  • the possibility of completing the procedure at any time of the year.


DOT rejuvenation

is a new modern cosmetology method using the latest technologies. This procedure is very effective, it is performed in progressive cosmetology centers and plastic surgery clinics. This system is a versatile remedy for the problems caused by skin aging due to the natural biological deterioration of muscle and connective tissues.

For DOT laser skin rejuvenation, special lasers with special wavelength are applied.

Fractional laser beam radiation occurs in the deep layers of the skin:

  • restore lymph flow and blood flow;
  • increased production of elastin and collagen;
  • Enhancement of connective tissue regeneration;
  • increased skin turgor;
  • adsorption of age spots, vascular networks and nodes.

During DOT rejuvenation, the device acts on the skin sensitively, which means you can perform the procedure to rejuvenate the eyes, neck and décolleté. The intensity of the sensations during the session depends on the sensitivity of the skin, the pain threshold and the strength of the sensors of the device. To make the patient comfortable during resuscitation operations, it is recommended to apply 1 of local anesthesia methods where laser operation is planned.

The DOT procedure gradually gives a positive result. First, the patient is unable to assess the consequences, because the skin is swollen and red. The best effect will only be visible after 14 days.

Neodymium facial renewal method

Neodymium laser refresh method is a new, highly efficient method. During manipulation, thermal energy is transmitted into the skin with a neodymium laser, which begins to affect the collagen fibers. As a result, they tighten the skin cover, beginning the processes of recovery and renewal.

As a result of the procedure, it is possible to:

  • improve skin condition;
  • Refresh
  • the color and correct the human contour;
  • smooth wrinkles, reduce vascular formations and age spots, smooth tracking;
  • Improve
  • firmness and density of the skin.

Neodymium facial rejuvenation method lasts for at least 12 months. Peeling before the procedure can increase its effectiveness. This approach will help the laser beams to make better and deeper contact with the structure of the skin.